Friday, August 28, 2015

Map of Hawk Run Hollow Contest

The Map of Hawk Run Hollow pulls together many of the fun places that you stitched in the other Hawk Runs. Announcing: The Map of Hawk Run Hollow Contest! The person who can correctly guess as many of the place-names (streets, buildings, etc.) shown on the Map of Hawk Run Hollow by September 12th will win a free copy of the chart! Look to the other seven HRHs for clues. Here's one to get you started: Bailey Bridge — inspired by "A Bailey" from Houses of Hawk Run Hollow. Email your guesses to  One email per participant please and no more than 24 guesses each. Tie breaker: first person to have the most correct. Good luck! Marty

(Contest not open to Harvest Market Hop participants please.)

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Where in the world is Hawk Run Hollow?

It started within my sister Kathy’s imagination but after multiple super-friendly bird incidents around my house, I’m starting to feel like I LIVE in Hawk Run Hollow. This turkey vulture recently paid my deck a visit, I’ve seen a red-tailed hawk swoop down towards Tim’s head and Anna had a bird flutter on top of her straw-colored hair when she got off the school bus last year. I imagine Hawk Run Hollow to be where animals and people happily mingle.

I see this toad almost everyday in my garden:

And this guy and his 25 friends surround our house:

Anyway, it’s time to present a new Hawk Run Hollow. 
Sneak peeks coming soon!